- Sear the sirloins 2 -3 mins on each side until browned all over
- Allow to rest until ready to serve, slice and season with good quality salt
- In the same pot, place ginger, onion, garlic, fish, soy sauce and beef stock
- Bring to the boil and simmer 15 - 20 mins
- Cook 500g ramen noodles following the pack instructions, then drain and set aside.
- Boil the eggs for 5 minutes for a soft set egg.
- To Assemble - Divide the noodles between four bowls.
- Top each with a quarter of the beef, scallions, chilli, coriander and boiled egg
- Carefully top each bowl with the hot beef broth and serve
Broth base
- 500 g sirloin Northern Ireland Farm Quality Assured Beef
- 1 litre beef stock
- 1 onion sliced
- 1 garlic clove sliced
- 1 tbsp ginger grated
- 2-4 tbsp fish sauce (optional)
- 2-4 tbsp soy sauce (optional)
- 1 pinch good quality salt
- 500 g ramen noodles
- 1 chilli sliced
- 2 scallions shredded
- 50 g coriander fresh
- 4 eggs boiled